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ご挨拶 「七夕祭」大暑〜立秋 Greeting " Tanabata Festival " From Great Heat to Start of Autumn*
「名所江戸百景 市中繁栄七夕祭」歌川広重最晩年の代表作(玄関に掛けています)。広重は、安政五年(1858年)に亡くなりましたので「名所江戸百景」は、幕末に差し掛かった江戸の様子が描かれています。「市中繁栄七夕祭」に見る江戸の七夕祭は、今とはかなり様子が違うようです。今の京橋一丁目に住まいしていた広重が、屋敷の屋根の上に登り富士山の方角を見た景色といわれています。正面遠景に高々と富士山が描かれ、右側に江戸城が見えます。そして眼下に広がる江戸の街並は、七夕飾りの竹笹で埋め尽くされ賑やかな様子が表現されています。七夕祭が定着するにつけて空高く飾るようになり、ついには武家も町衆も長い竿に結び高さを競うようになったといいます。天に届くかのように立てられた七夕飾りが富士山より高く描かれていて、一層高さが印象づけられます。画面を観ていると江戸の町の繁栄ぶりが伝わってきて、人の姿は描かれていませんが喧騒が聞こえてくるかのようです。
Tanabata event was held on July 7th of old calendar in the past. It was just around start of autumn and was also known as the festival between summer and autumn. The start of autumn of this year is on August 7th which is on July 10th of old calendar.
There is a Ukiyoe that shows the day of Tanabata in the Edo period. “The city flourishing during Tanabata Festival (市中繁栄七夕祭) that is on our entrance is one of the series “One Hundred famous views of Edo.” It was printed by Hiroshige Utagawa. This series drew the scenery of the end of Edo period and we can know the festival in the present is quite different from how it was.
Mt. Fuji is in the middle of the picture and Edo castile is on the right hand. There are numerous bamboo with their wishes on paper strips above countless roofs. The Tanabata festival entered into society in the Edo period, and the samurai and townsmen competed for the height of bamboo. In the drawing, the bamboo is higher than Mt. Fuji and this impresses how tall it is. Although there is no one in the art, we can hear the bustle of the city and know the prosperity of the Edo.
*Great Heat to Start of Autumn: The traditional East Asian calendars divide a year into 24 solar terms. “Great Heat” is the 12th solar term and on July 22nd. “Start of Autumn” is the 13th solar term and on August 7th.
〒565-0851 大阪府吹田市千里山西2丁目5番18号
2-5-18 Senriyama-nishi, Suita, Osaka 565-0851 Japan
〒530-0002 大阪府大阪市北区曽根崎新地 1丁目7番4号
YAMANA K-2 BLDG. 5F 1-7-4 Sonezaki Shinchi, Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka 530-0002 Japan