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2024年の海洋保全の取り組みを振り返って Protect the ocean in 2024














There are only a few days left this year.

Kashiwaya considers and tackles ocean issues since we cook seafood daily for our livelihood. Looking back on our activities this year.

・Starting in April 2024, we have decided to remove eels from our menu.  Eels feature on the IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species. We have decided to follow this policy until we see a certain improvement in eel stocks or full-life cycle aquaculture of eels with less environmental impact is put to practical use.

・It is necessary to use farm-raised fish by considering the sustainable use of marine resources. We work with aquaculturist “Oseto Suisan.”  Their production methods are low-impact on the environment and they produce safe and tasty fish for humans. We are pursuing the possibility of the future of farmed fish.

・Chef Matsuo belongs to “RelationFish,” a company committed to thinking, acting, and tackling the issue of marine resources and the ocean environment. The collaborative research with research institute has been for 3 years. 1500 fry were born from parent fish of Harbivourous fish “rabbitfish” growing up without fishmeal. 100 of them are continuously grown to become parent fish. Rest of them are provided with school nearby and a seaside park in Kushimoto to spread awareness of marine resource conservation.

・To reduce food mileage , we try to use ingredients from Osaka and neighboring areas.

・Blancpain, the oldest Swiss diver’s watch manufacturer in the world, has been involved in marine conservation activities. As its only brand friend in Japan, Kashiwaya is also committed to marine conservation.

Food is important for people. That’s why we seriously think about ocean issues. We will continue to think about what we can do and take action.



〒565-0851 大阪府吹田市千里山西2丁目5番18号

2-5-18 Senriyama-nishi, Suita, Osaka 565-0851 Japan

〒530-0002 大阪府大阪市北区曽根崎新地 1丁目7番4号

YAMANA K-2 BLDG. 5F 1-7-4 Sonezaki Shinchi, Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka 530-0002 Japan

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